Play 3 match puzzles and aim for the goal.Dig through the tunnel while collecting jewels and reach the Golden Land at the end of the shaft.This is a 3 match puzzle that gradually increases in difficulty.- As you progress, the types of jewels you can collect will increase.- Because of gravity, As you dig, the ground becomes compacted and becomes difficult to advance.- Rocks that cannot be moved from above will fall down over time in the mine shaft.(For some reason) Lets aim even further by making full use of the equipment that can be acquired in the mine shafts and the power-ups that can be purchased at the base.If you can install an elevator, you can restart from where you installed it!Can you safely reach the bottom?Operation has been confirmed on Android 12 or later.======================LIMIT count down When it reaches 0, rocks will fall from the top. After reaching 0, the countdown starts again from the determined value. TIME count up Its play time now DEPTH Distance from the current entrance. Proceed by collecting jewels. The larger the CHAIN number, the more progress will be made. *You can do better work if you are in high spirits. CHAIN This is the number of consecutive jewels collected. Its not the number of jewels. The time it takes for the streak to break varies depending on the current depth, equipment, etc. return button You return to your base with the collected jewels. When you return, leave your consumables and equipment in the shaft so that you can take all the jewels with you. Equipment There are three equipment slots and one standby slot. When you get an item from a treasure chest, it will be set in the standby slot. At this point, the equipment has no effect. With equipment in the standby slot, you can equip it by tapping any equipment slot. If equipment already exists, it will be overwritten. jewel You can collect 3 or more by arranging them vertically or horizontally. It will turn into a treasure chest with a certain probability. If you collect many jewels at once, it will turn into a treasure chest. rock Every time LIMIT reaches 0, it will fall from above. It is heavy and cannot be moved. If you collect an adjacent jewel, it will disappear (for some reason). Treasure Chest If you collect an adjacent jewel, it will open (for some reason). It seems like there are consumables and equipment inside. mysterious clock When used, LIMIT can be extended by 15 seconds only once. bomb 3 Destroy 3 random rocks. Can be used even if there are 3 or fewer rocks in the field. big bomb Destroy all rocks. Can be used even if there are no rocks in the field.